Exotics Keeper - February 2023


This month:

Herpetologist and Author of “A Naturalist’s Guide to the Reptiles & Amphibians of New Zealand”, Samuel Purdie discusses the diversity of New Zealand’s green geckos (Naultinus sp.) and the threats that face them.

Oleksii Marushchak and the expert team at BION Terrarium Centre in Ukraine, tell us how they breed satanic leaf-tailed geckos in captivity.

Our Editor, Thomas Marriott shares his experience in Costa Rica and advises holidaymakers how to see as much herpetofauna as possible, on a budget!

Czech hobbyist, Michaela Králová provides some insight into breeding perhaps the weirdest frogs in the world, Triprion petastatus.

• In this month’s ‘Keeper Basics’ we focus on spawning triggers for fish and provide first-hand advice to give novices the best shot at breeding their fish.

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